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Practicing What I Preach When It Comes To The Maslow Mashup

Two wise people once said: "Natalie, we know you are capable of anything you set your mind to. Also, we know that you can't do it all at the same time sometimes!" ...My mum and dad. Who have been brilliant supporters of my recovery, the creation of my heart's-work in2gr8mentalhealth, and giving me space to live at home so I can balance that important voluntary work with other paid work around it. The past two weeks could be described as climbing the Alps, full of peaks - BBC World News, and troughs - having in2gr8mentalhealth offline whilst trying to develop investment and tech solutions for a platform that couldn't be provided by the old one. And then the need to find meaningful work because all my paid ones finish at the end of March. It's turned out to be a bit of a mash up of the Maslow's. At some point, you have to notice when you're walking around with shoulders so far past your ears with the stress of balancing it all, your head'

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