A video message from Founder Dr Natalie Kemp


I was upset when speaking at a clinical psychology conference thisormomg, for the first time since I started doing so in 2017. This was because in2gr8mentalhealth is voluntary and despite it being vaunted by the profession, there has to date been no funding. I had to pull in2gr8mentalhealth off-line because it got too much for me to manage the tech requirements, as well as content and moderation. 

What seemed like a set back, has actually been a spur for me to consider other options for a business model and funding, and to reach out to the tech community. In this a colleague has joined me and we are set to go to the next stage of in2gr8's evolution. 

Providing a mentored,operated peer support space for mental health professionals with lived experience of mental health problems, led by the same, is my passion, and I will find a way forward to continue to offer this provision and indeed to expand it. 

The video message is important because there are 300 of you members out there and you are all important to me, and I know there are new people wanting to join. 

Give me some weeks to learn all things business model and funding related so that I can re-open to you. 

In the meantime, we are on Twitter @in2gr8mh and Facebook and Instagram under in2gr8mentalhealth or email: contact@in2gr8mentalhealth.com

With all best to you, you are not alone!



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